Personal Information (Qualification)


Pursuing Ph.d, NET,SLET


Professional Experience :

Working as an Asstt. Professor at Arunodaya from 2019


Academic Background :

1)M.Phil from RJU, Rono Hills, Doimukh-2019 with 63%                       
2) M.A from Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh-2013 with 58%                                                  
3) B.A from Don Bosco College, Itanagar-2011 with 56%                                                       
4) 12th (Arts) from  GHSS , Daporijo AP-2008 with 78%


Research Interest : 

Working as an Asstt. Professor at Arunodaya from 2019

Publication :

1) Assam And Arunachal Pradesh: Understanding The Boundary Dispute – History And Analysis
2)Ambit of vocational develoment in sonsonance with NEP 2020                              
3)Assam And Arunachal Pradesh border dispute: people’s perception and analysis of Taraso Circle
4)The role of language in shaping the boundaries of intangible cultural heritage                               
5)Assam-Arunachal pradesh border dispute: people’s perception and analysis                    
6)Assam and Arunachal pradesh border dispute: history, analysis and Recent developments            
7)The impact of digitalization on borger issue


Courses Taught : 

Boundary Dispute


Awards & honours: 

a) Best Teacher in 2021, Best organizer in 2023, 2024                      
b) Resource person on the topic of Indian constitution and its importance on the occasion of Samvidhan ka Amrit Mahotsav.


Professional Membership :

Life time membership in Lyceum Indian journal of social science


Training & Workshop Conducted

Attended Workshops and Seminars and presented papers in national and international seminars


Publican :

1) Assam And Arunachal Pradesh: Understanding The Boundary Dispute – History And Analysis
2)Ambit of vocational develoment in sonsonance with NEP 2020                              
3)Assam And Arunachal Pradesh border dispute: people’s perception and analysis of Taraso Circle
4)The role of language in shaping the boundaries of intangible cultural heritage                               
5)Assam-Arunachal pradesh border dispute: people’s perception and analysis                    
6)Assam and Arunachal pradesh border dispute: history, analysis and Recent developments            
7)The impact of digitalization on borger issue


Professional Development Activities

Participated in Faculty Development Programme, Conducted Departmental Seminar and pulished chapters in books.


Contact Information

1) Official Address:-Dept. of Pol. Sci, RGU, Doimukh
2) Contact No. 8413926959           
3) Email:-opihage73@gmail.com