Inspiration From Our Guruji !!!

Inspiration From Our Guruji !!!

The late Shri P. Dhanaraj was a visionary whose profound contributions have significantly shaped the landscape of education. Renowned for his expertise in structural engineering, his pioneering work has not only advanced the field but also served as a source of inspiration for technological innovation.
Late Shri P. Dhanaraj
Shri Dhanaraj’s dedication to knowledge was unwavering; he generously shared his extensive expertise with all who sought it, leaving behind a rich legacy of wisdom and a lasting impact on countless lives. His lifetime of achievements and his commitment to education continue to inspire and guide future generations.Arunodaya University is more than an educational institution; it is a thriving community dedicated to cultivating the next generation of leaders and innovators. We strive to carry forward Shri P. Dhanaraj’s vision, ensuring his legacy continues to inspire and guide us in every endeavor.

Late Shri R. Bhavani Shankar

Late Shri R. Bhavani Shankar, was often referred as a “Father Figure” by the students. Shri R. Bhavani Shankar being a visionary could have preferred to be a role model and the mentor to the student rather than a fatherly figure for the simple reason, a “Father” is usually a strict disciplinarian towards their wards.
Shri R. Bhavani Shankar was always happy and content to play the role of a friend, guide and philosopher to his students.
In his life time, had always wished and dreamt of establishing a worthy University to uplift, the ever growing aspiration of the students and student excel in all fields of education. Indeed Shri R. Bhavani Shankar’s, cherished dream has been fulfilled in the nurturing and growing of our University known as Arunodaya University in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.