Bachelor of Science (Honor’s) PCM

Semester: I

Subject Code Subject Credits Marks
BSPCM 101 Environmental Science 4 100
BSPCM 102 Mechanics (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 103 Acttomic Structure bonding, General Organic Chemistry & Hydrocarbons (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 104 Differential Calculus 6 100

Semester: 2

Subject Code Subject Credits Marks
BSPCM 201 English Communication 4 100
BSPCM 202 Electricity, Magnetism & EMY (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 203 Chemical Energetics,  Equilibria & Functional Organic Chemistry-I (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 204 Differential Equations 6 100

Semester: 3

Subject Code Subject Credits Marks
BSPCM 301 Thermal Physics & Statistical Mechanics (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 302 Solution, Phase equilibrium, Conductance, Electrochemistry & Functional Group Organic Chemistry -II (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 303 Real Analysis 6 100
BSPCM 304 Physics Workshop Skills 4 100

Semester: 4

Subject Code Subject Credits Marks
BSPCM 401 Wave and Optics (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 402 Transition Metal & Coordination Chemistry, States of Matter & Chemical Kinetics (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 403 Algebra 6 100
BSPCM 404 Computational Physics 4 100

Semester: 5

Subject Code Subject Credits Marks
BSPCM 501 Digital, Analog and Instrumentation (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 502 Mathematical Physics (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 503 Quantum Mechanics (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 504 Electrical circuits and Network Skills 4 100

Semester: 6

Subject Code Subject Credits Marks
BSPCM 601 Nuclear and Particle Physics (5) + Tut (1) 6 100
BSPCM 602 Medical Physics (4) + Lab (4) 6 100
BSPCM 603 Dissertation 6 100
BSPCM 604 Basic Instrumentation Skills 4 100