

The power can be obtained by the information and information is collected form Books. The Books are kept in a Library. Library is the place where students and teachers sit and spend their time for studies.

Arunodaya university Central Library holds a rich collection of printed as well as electronic resources. These include books, journals, databases, audio-visual materials, e-journals, reports, case studies, dissertations etc. The Library, with its modern collection of knowledge resources and innovative information services, plays an essential role for the academic community in their intellectual pursuits. Users can access the eLibrary anytime. The library offers a range of information services set to the highest professional standards.

The Library has following facilities:

  1. More then 5000 Books are available
  2. Round table with chairs are placed in the centre for sitting the Students.
  3. Some single table chairs are also available.
  4. Three regional newspapers are provided.
  5. Two National newspapers are also provided.
  6. Employment news / Rojgar Samasar are also provided.
  7. National Journals are there.
  8. e-Library access is available.
  9. To keep the belongings several Racks are there.
  10. One Librarian and one Assit. Librarian help the Students.
  11. Dissertation of students are kept for reference.